Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Okay, so! 

Had swolen neck glands for a week or two.. 

Then 7pm Saturday evening I had to go to bed, totally exhausted literally couldn't keep my eyes open.. 

I was boiling hot but shivering

I'd felt unwell around my kidneys and thought it was a UTI, took myself to hospital Sunday morning, early, too early for the doctors who start at ten.

They found nothing, unsurprisingly now it seems,. although she gave me those awful blood red pain killers and some anti sickness meds.. after an intravenous of pain meds which helped..

I went home and went to bed and slept until Monday..

Monday did a Sars test which turned positive immediately.. no hanging about for fifteen minutes.. 

Tonight now my voice sounds weird! 

It's ever evolving it seems as my body fights the virus somewhere it attacks another bit! 

I have eaten a small bowl of homemade soup today, first real food since Saturday lunch time.. 

Was good to be doing something, but then ate and exhausted and stomach feels way too full and not happy now.. 

But at least I made it, and at least I ate it.

My symptoms so far the curious! Or those Googling 2023 COVID SARS virus

Jaw ache

Raised glands neck and under arms



Sudden agonising piercing headaches, over and over again all day... 

Muscle ache especially back arms legs


Extreme tiredness

Sore throat

Tight breathing

Mouth tastes bad

Itchy skin

Not hungry


Our chances are gone before we know it... 

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