Sunday, January 14, 2024


Did I post this already?

Apologies if I have.. I love the way the mountains always look so different, the time of day, the time of the year, the weather.. Every moment of every day is different..

Haven't done much today, worked yesterday and at last I think the pain is better in my leg.. been five or six weeks now... And it got so much more incredibly worse the last couple of weeks, then .. a bit better.. Still getting it checked tomorrow, I need to find out the cause or it'll be back, and could be worse ..

It has been debilitating not to be able to walk anywhere, I haven't walked into town since January the 1st.  I have managed to walk up to Bar Monika with extreme pain and hobbled home again, it has been okay in work because although it's hard going there's not much distance to walk, thankfully.

Walking is my thing, can't imagine not being able to just walk where and when I want.. also although sleeping has never been an easy thing for me, at least laying down in bed had been ok, now even that is very painful.. on all sides!

A man came into the store yesterday, probably late 50's early 60's... He bought whatever and said something about something and then we were talking about cooking for one, and other stuff.. he said "living the dream eh!" And yes, so many of us came over, came here, for our dreams, many of us found our dreams.  And so many lost them again.

I guess this is probably true of all people who pick-up and choose to take their belongings, hopes and dreams to other countries.. It can be amazing and wonderful and everything and more than expected, and it can be the opposite.

These days we are lucky that air travel is easy, and unlike yesteryear when they couldn't go back, even to visit, and goodbye meant goodbye.

My grandparents said goodbye to family in Naples a hundred years ago, boarded a ship and never returned...

Quaglietta, our village 

Can't imagine how they felt.. I'm bad enough leaving places I know I can, could, come back to.. but then maybe I have attachment issues!


'The lives we don't live'

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