Friday, March 29, 2024

Benadalid last June above and so below..

The world is full of obvious things which nobody by any chance ever observes.

Arthur Conan Doyle 

I think this is very true.. we walk mostly with eyes closed to the world around us..

I love catching sight of things others have missed, the tiny flower, the insect unseen, something strange and unusual in strange and unusual places... 

I've been lucky, I've taken some great photographs of things like that, from the He-Man figure partially exposed walking through a forest in Wales, to tiniest of flowers growing from bare rock on The Kings Walk... Remember that furry bug one morning walking into town? Me, not the bug!? Well, maybe he was!

It's definitely time for more like that..

I've stopped seeing, I've stopped looking.. time again now.

And now to other things..

Two days ago? Three? I had began dismantling the sofa bed in my living room, even from inside I couldn't undo that last bolt! So! Yesterday! I tried again from above wedging the right-hand bit open with my left knee, I had dismantled my allen Key Set and taken out the one I needed, it was turning too easily I think where it had been over turned when built, so I gently tapped it in and using the small screwdriver for leverage I bit by bit turned the key! And voilà! Out it came!

Yesterday it rained most of the day and after that I did mostly nothing at all! Gathered a few bits ans pieces, tidied and tried not to think too much.. at work I had got so upset.. and I can't keep doing that, bringing it in with me.. 

Anyways, so this morning started with rain and I thought would continue, so I decided to try and fix my kitchen drawer, the top one, the cutlery drawer, it's been living precariously above it's mate beneath, literally, stuck to it! Opening the lower drawer to access the top one! 

My ingenious idea about four years ago.. or longer, but not practical!

Today I separated them, I used hard as nails glue to hold the brackets on and went to town...

Met with friends and had coffee in Bar Rosa, just got in when the heavens opened and it poured down for some time, I left and got down to friends store and home and no more rain! 

Been cloudy but beautiful sunshine since..

The glue hasn't worked at all, so I cleaned it off, dried it and used an abrasive to roughen it up a bit, more glue and about six screws.

I hope I have fixed the two brackets which hold the drawers in place! Bit wonky, for some reason, but, job done! 

Why didn't I fix this years ago?

I don't know.. I have no idea, maybe thought I couldn't do it, but after yesterday and getting that bolt out, quite cleverly I thought! Maybe it gave me confidence.

Just about to hit post, and I see a fine line of sunshine on the wall here, it means summer is on its way.. it wasn't there Monday, I had seen the sun reaching my balcon, but here it is in the house..

And tomorrow we spring forward an hour!


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:35 pm

    Following. Like an unforgettable enchantment. The rarest mermaid that ever was and ever will be. Whatever, however, however. From before and through forever. Unchangeably always.
