Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Well, it's been a while! 

A wonderful week in England, day after I arrived off to Sheringham and a whole week of sunshine, even up today's drive back to Stansted.

All above Sheringham, the town, Beeston Bump! The steam railway... 

Every day full of sunshine, so lucky, and not just because of the weather .. 

Back to Stansted! I was there since 15:30, still on upwards journey to 35,000 feet now, and it's 20:30... Flight delay! But I can't complain, I am usually so lucky with Ryanair.

I've had some water and some sweets!

I have a meal ordered but waiting for Bluetooth to get that order in to work! 

We, youngest son and family, have walked and sunbathed, we've eaten ice-cream and, for me, lots of bad food! 

We had a baby ringneck dove outside the house, he couldn't fly yet, all fluffy and puffy, was so sad sending him suffering..

We had a dead adult dove of the same type the day or two before... A parent I am guessing, because the parent that was left kept coming down to see the baby, but unable to do anything.

When it had gone.. it kept coming back to look for it... Thinking baby didn't leave of its own velution.

Back to now! I have some stomach tablets I just bought, because it's going to be bad again now when I've eaten my flight meal!! 

When I get back to the house it's going to look a right mess! A giant mess! 

I have so much stuff for charity, piled up in crates and black bin bags! 

I also have about twenty moving boxes! 

Nothing set in stone, but looks like it's all systems go for leaving the house! 

And that's okay, more than okay.

It is time, it's probably been time, for a long time, but I hold on, always with a grip of steel.

Well, it's time to let go and freewheel a while..

Holding onto a part of life which has let me go, doesn't do me any good.

Flying home to Spain today, there will be one more trip of flying home to Spain..

Although I know, a small part of me will be forever here, of course, I moved here in 2002.. 

And I feel emotional at leaving, but I know, there is still a full life of adventure ahead of me..

I'm not looking forward to my flight leaving, especially on my own.. 

We're maybe forty-five minutes away from landing, captain said we're flying at 1000 kph, great tail wind! 

So soon be landing, and taxi and home, did have a lift, but coming in this late I said not to worry... 

I didn't eat either, suddenly not hungry, so just read my book...

Took two with me, left the first with my other bits and bobs at son's; wouldn't normally keep a book, any more... But this is filled with great Italian recipes! 

The book with me, has some good stuff too.. not worth keeping, but definitely worth noting!


The common eye sees only the outside of things, and judges by that, but the seeing eye pierces through and reads the heart and the soul, finding there capacities which the outside didn't indicate or promise, and 

which the other kind of eye couldn't detect.

~Mark Twain

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