Saturday, September 07, 2024

Okay, okay! Supermarket shelves! But couldn't resist the look of the Bubba burgers and huge spices!

I mean for a photograph, not to buy! 

Stopped twice for trains on our way out to dinner the other night..

I love the sound of the trains here... 

Above I took on the bridge taking us to Fire Island and the TWA flight 800 memorial..

Couple of random photographers taken out in the Hamptons...

I don't normally post food on my Blog, maps yes, but not here...

But! This! Was absolutely amazing! At the Bayside Clam & Grill, East Islip Marina Park! This was Pina Colada coconut shrimp! 

Just looking at it, I want it again right now! And will have to make it! And the fries! WoW, they were amazing, very different.. just the best!

On the road as we neared the marina we past deer, on both sides of the road, and turkeys!! Lols, yes! turkeys!

And now, my last evening of my last day here with my aunt ... We have eaten a lot today, she just said after we finished off bowls of peach ice-cream, that she'd eat no more today! And I can't keep staying if she eats so much and puts weight on! 

I'm checked on for my flight, and this time tomorrow will be in the air..

Already missing her.. 


The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance.

Alan Watts - 1915-1973 - Writer

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