Thursday, September 05, 2024

You know, you can't make up for lost time... The many many years I lost when I was a young child, a teenager, well, up to 30 I guess I was...

But now, the memories we make will stick, we hope! 

So I know I lost some very important things, but I love and very much appreciate everything they do for me now, that we get to do now as a family when I visit..

It absolutely means the world to me.. yes, even walking around supermarkets! 

Even, and probably it's the best bit, just sitting and talking and being together...

Yesterday we went to the TWA memorial, which came about because of the families of the 208 people who died that day, just off the coast here.. 

The three of us felt the loss standing there, reading the memorial.. 

 TWA memorial was haunting 

What else? We've, read I've shopped, we've walked, we've eaten.. 

The Hamptons yesterday, gazing with great difficulty through high and thick shrubbery at million dollar homes... We looked at an estate agents windows... 3, 4 6 million dollar houses! 


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