Tuesday, May 13, 2008

from woburn safari park last monday... i'm not sure if its that sweet inocent child that might bite actually! because we were in with the monkeys that the sign was meant for and they were soooo cute!

above and below shots taken from the park and ride bus steph and i took into oxford last tuesday... was great fun, reminded me of when i was a kid and mom and i took the double decker to hemel hempstead on the 312!

well saturday... to catch up! saturday cant remember s'ok coming back to me now, that was scary! how could i forget going over to lisa's! sorry mate, havent forgotten just couldnt remember what day of the week it was!!!

lisa lives between aylesbury and buckingham, in a most beautiful village, and when i got out of the car and stood there... the peace was overwhelming... i had had to pop into aylesbury town centre and even that early in the morning was buzzing with folk rushing here and there... so it was even more wonderful!

we just had coffee and bickies and i talked... and i talked, and then i talked some more... lisa could get a word in edgewise only occasionally till i had run out of steam and needed to drink my coffee!

then i was off again... home to tonys, and we relaxed watched some tv, i am catching up on the series 'heroes', so far we have watched 10 episodes! gulp!



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