Thursday, May 22, 2008

tucan! these birds at whipsnade came out of the wood building in the back ground there and on command went straight back there... if only pippa was as obiedient!

and one of the many peacocks they have in the zoo, i'm not sure did i put the photo in of the one at woburn safari park last week? everywhere i go peacocks... even just down the road here in peoples back gardens!?! this one worried us as we had to walk under him!

couple of good shots here of the rhino enclosure... a few times we confused logs with animals... this one above was one, we thought it was a log, but look no, its a baby laying down near his mommy...

i completely forgot to link to an amazing vid i got sent by friends while i was on holiday... or maybe i did, my memory is failing me fast... ok had a quick look cant see it on here...

its the camino del rey, the walk at el chorro where franco and i used to go through the tunnels over the bridge where frank sinatra died... (in the movie von ryans express!) watch it and be afraid... tony and franco walked along it some way, but we came to it from the narrow concrete bridge that can only be reached from the tracks....

hot today and humid... the streets covered with confetti from the opening celebrations of our towns feria this week, really really should have gone last night but.... my football team was playing franco's in the champions league, so the game won... (and so did my team!)

the town has lots of extra shops open along the streets... trucks come in and open up and lo and behold there is a new bar and a new sweet/pastry restaurant just there along the path!

today the guy who begs in town came in twice to the shop! everyone tells him to get out and leave them alone, and yesterday a poor girl came in with a small toddler and one on the way, maybe, asking for money for food... i do feel sorry for these people to an extent, but i also don't have a penny or a cent to give them right now! and the guy who comes in, what would he really be spending the money on?

i have an early present for my birthday from tony, for me ds lite, spanish word coach, its excellent! and every day i am playing it, words to learn and games to play to hopefully teach me more of this language i have, it seems, been trying to learn nearly half my life!

and i am reading my way through every patricia cornwall book i can get my hands on... i never 'read' her before, and had a book of hers mom and i bought last year, about a month ago i started reading it and finished it in two days... got another from work to read for my hols, finished... and another came in this week i am now reading... two more on the shelf waiting for me! the ones i have read so far are based on a dr kay scarpetta, there are nine so far as this book says in this series alone...

so i have gone from stephen king, for now, to this doctor above who works out who is responsible for the deaths of the people who end up on her police lab table... and its written in full technicolor! and i cant put these books down...

You must find your treasure in order to make sense of everything you discovered on the path. The Alchemist


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