Monday, June 02, 2008

Dia de Jesus

these are the final part of the dia de jesus... at about 12.30am, this morning.... most of my photos were blurred, as usual, they just walk so fast and then if i zoom in they just all fuzzy round the edges...

as usual our street is the rest stop, resting as in quenching their thirst... millions of small bottles of water in boxes... saturday night they were walking up the street towards plaza alta and last night coming back down... photo above men at rest and below the 100 men picking up again and moving on down the street, i was up on the roof by this time, pippa going crazy with all the noise and commotion, they use all our door steps as resting places and so we prevented her getting down stairs and finding them there!

the goat was out earlier and i really should have got my camera out then, she was making a meal of a card board box with all the on lookers leaving her to it, or taking photos with their phones as chowed down on it!!!

at last someone threw the box... over the wall!?! so she could start on the plastic bottles....

here is jesus as he past by our balcon... which had i been down there would have been eye level with me!

this morning about 3or 4am as yesterday morning, the magnificent street cleaning machine came down and you would never has known anything had gone on at all!

saturday... i was on the raffle/tombola stall of this years cudeca spring fair held at el eden, was a great day, we all did really well, i had cramp from all the writing, filling out the raffle stubs! and was a long, but fulfilling day...

then sunday franco and i went to the pizzara boot sale, which is excellent! never been before but we shall be going again for sure... lots of stalls, must have been at least 20 or more, lots of people i knew from other boot sales and people from town, was a really good day, then afterwards we went for coffee to another sellers house! we already have a 'date' for coffee for next week from a seller who was pitched next to us, he was selling aloe vera products, and baby rabbits.. for pets!!! but hope he isn't just going to pitch to us! him and his partner live in pizzara, and although we made it there... the street near the poligino... near día supermarket, we still have never actually been into pizzara, so cant wait!

In our obsessive wish to arrive,
we often forget the most important thing.
which is the journey.
The Pilgrimage


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