Sunday, August 03, 2008


phew hot hot hot... seems we always forget how hot it gets every summer here, our short memories...

well the road that has been ready and waiting that takes you from Ikea to the old N340 and the coast road is at last open as off mid week.... three lanes one way and two the other, the three makes your driving decision so easy with the three choices to take you to one of the three exists... and yet still people go in the right hand lane to go left.... i am sorry, i have been good to my word and kept quiet from my road rage experiences for a couple of weeks and i cant tell you how hard that has been!! every morning this week i have followed two leaner cars going towards Malaga, picking them up along side de La Torre and leaving them at the Churriana round about, they both have break lights out and although their indicating at appropriate places... shock horror, at the round abouts they are in those right hand lanes to turn left!?! why the other people look confused and beep at them gets me, when so many of them do it too! and those speed bumps, wearing down nicely now by those of us who actually go over them... people tend to follow my driving line now as i shake my head at those in front swerving all over the place so that their empty side of the car gets no bump and the driver still does???

the beaches are still quiet... a few more people but not as many as should be by now, all the guys comes in from the hamaca rentals and are complaining about their low earnings this summer so far... was funny the other week when i laying comfortable on my hamaca i could hear a conversation taking place between two girls and the beach guy, they had taken residence of two beds and the parasols above and he came along and asked for the 4€ each and they said "who says we have to pay? where does it say it costs 8€ for these two beds?" i mean what did they think that some poor bloke gets up early and has about 100 beds out and mattress's on... sits there all day, not allowed to even start packing up while clients are still there, not allowed to leave till the last has gone... seven days a week! they said no were not going to pay and would leave, but continued to sit there bug eyed looking like they were the only people who had to pay in all the world... when he came back and said well pay or go! one paid and one laid on the floor...? in a right little strop she was, when he returned again they said could they have the money back they were going? so the poor guy said oh just use the two beds for today, but never again.... they were gone ten minutes later....

...and at last people seem to be leaving their dogs at home in the hottest part of the day, it was sad having to see people drag their pool animals back out onto hot pavements they wouldn't be able to walk on bare foot! one ladys beagle dog died last week, of a mosquito bite...

this week was great for familiar faces at last, a couple from 'the other' estanco i am at came in and said hola... a guy from the bar there too came in, he lives near this estanco, then a couple of Alhaurínos who come down to the paseo to walk were surprised to see me standing there, having wondered what had happened to me at Cristina'a... then one of the card suppliers who also knew me from above came in and we had a chat....

parking in Alhaurín... all change with parking in blue areas, i think all the way from the taxi rank to the ferriteria, i am not sure not having walked there this week only driving past, will up date when i can... did i mention the new bus stop in town? well not new now i guess been there maybe four weeks but its good to have one up by the round about so you don't have to walk all the way down to the feria ground to catch the bus to Malaga...

yesterday, Saturday i had a migraine, why does this happen? its like during the week the stress or adrenaline keeps me going then when i can relax, no hurrying bam head ache, it started Friday evening and i didn't have any of my imigrane type tablets, franco went to town and got me some in the morning and i was up later, but still felt weird! today bit better no head ache at least.. we went down to Miramar at Las Lagunas, Fuengirola and Iceland..... and home...

heres a link to click please for Fibromyalgia...

Choosing one path means abandoning others -
if you try to follow every possible path
you will end up following none...


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