Saturday, November 08, 2008

well i didn't expect to be here in England at this time, i left Malaga airport on the plane that should have been bringing my mom to me in Spain!

things never turn out... no not strictly true, sometimes things do not turn out as we think they will, the plans of mice and men etc...

well results of mom MRI scan were not good, and when she was home Monday evening with tony, who had taken her, she called me, and an hour later i had brought my November 20th flight forward to Wednesday 5th, already they are using the phrase about remembering where you were etc when news of our 44th President came in, well i wont be forgetting for sure.

friends dropped me off at Malaga and once in the departure lounge another friend was there working and i was glad to see her there.

Thursday 6th we went to Mount Vernon, a very very good specialist hospital, for cancer, tony drove, was glad he was with us, and we got the full details of what the MRI scan showed, mom needs chemotherapy treatment, every three weeks for a course of six sessions, and will possible need more, she has a tumor that is where the previous cancer was, but was completely eradicated, so this has taken its place, the hemorrhage was to do with this and it aggravated another part, which in a way was good, or she would never have known of its presence.

the cancer has also spread to her lymph nodes. this is bad news.

mom is so positive, she has a very good mind set and is very determined to get through all the treatment and says she has so many more things to do in this life time and plans on doing them!

i am positive too, when i am with her, but when i am not - then my mind starts thinking stuff and its hard to think ahead at all.

i will be here to take her for a CAT scan she needs first and a visit to the chemo ward to learn what will be happening and all the procedures. and also for her first chemo session. then its back to tony...

please everyone send a prayer for my mom, Muriel...


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