Friday, February 13, 2009

another surprise trip yesterday! i must steady myself, all this excitement in one week! guess that will be my lot for a while then... it was great, i had a call asking me if i wanted to join friends for a trip up to Nerja, a trip around the famous caves! oh yes please!

these first few shots are taken in the plaza near the also famous Balcon de Europa...

this is a link to the Turismo de Nerja, and then here to a virtual
journey of the caves... with some very eerie music going in the background!

it took just over an hour to get there, not sure exactly where to come off the N340 we came off at the Nerja exit(?) at which point it pointed us back onto the N340 to get off at the next exit!

then a short journey on and there we were! it was a truly beautiful day, one of those 'food for the soul' days... sun was shining, and

warm with it!

i took some, well lots of photos inside, no flashes allowed though, but well you know me, most came out a bit shaky, and the lights caused what looks like shooting stars all over the pics, will put on the best of them over the next few days, this last photo we took at the entrance to the caves.

they have the usual restaurant of course, where we sat on the
balcony and enjoyed the lovely views...

there are lots of steps, and some of them a bit wet! there is the worlds largest stalactite, and all the information is in the first link up there! it was'nt as damp as the caves i have been in before, although it did feel humid the further down we went.

i had only been to Nerja once before when mom and i went there, parked in the then new car, found a restaurant, had lunch, and came home!

we parked in the same car park... but this time walked down towards the plaza and the church, and the balcon... constructed in 1487. mom and i obviously just turned in completely the wrong direction and thats why we saw nothing!

this morning... in our street, under construction(!) i had a knock on the door to warn me we had no street if i were to take a step outside! and so i had a small leap to leave the house, and on return a bigger leap! over a deeper trench!

just taken some photos while the men are gone for lunch! Pippa jumps up now every time i get my camera out she knows i am going to open the front door, and people say she is un trainable!?!

Music is what feelings sound like.


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