Thursday, March 19, 2009

hola amigos! i am sorry i have been away and busy... everything is good with mom, and i didn't even get to a computer till the 9th day of my trip, but still the clock was running and i just couldn't keep up with myself!

so here i am back home, street outside the house paved! shock horror!

i have taken well over a hundred photos whilst on my trip, the above one from Winchester Cathedral, this bronze is in the crypt and wonderful...

as usual after not blogging for a while i wonder where should i start? the beginning? ok here i go... hold on tight it has been a fast ride with few moments even for writing notes, and the memory isn't great so will remember stuff out of sync no doubt!

firstly to say though is mom's last chemo went well on Thursday, she has to have a CT scan next week and then a meeting with a doctor to find out if she needs radiation treatment and if she is in remission yet. she has been tired this week, but then we have been busy busy busy.... what mom wanted to do was fill her bucket, you know the one we are all going to kick! have i said this already? anyway we should make sure all our buckets are getting regularly topped up all through our lives, just with the little things that make us happy every day...


Malaga airport, mi amiga there doing her stuff with a small questionnaire as people leave after holidays... always good to see her there on departure side! witnessed a couple of sad calls, one a lady crying on the phone because she needed to get home fast her dad in intensive care, yes we're close here in Spain to England, but not when its a desperate situation... then another woman on the phone telling an estate agent, we don't want to sell our house too fast... so hold back a bit... oh this sounds like i am just sitting there ear wigging! well i suppose i was a bit, but then everyone could hear these unfortunate conversations...

Fred and Franks taxi was waiting at Luton for me... when i turned on my phone at baggage control a text came through to tell me so, and as i was trying to text back the phone rang and there they were again to say where he was waiting exactly, and off to St Albans to pick up my car!

there was a bit of a thing going on near Tony's place, lots of police cars with scientific crime scene stuff on their vehicles! they were there for over 4 hours, with us coming and going and looking and staring, but to no avail, they looked at us and us at them!

first thing Thursday morning mom and i off from Berkhamsted train station down to Euston, only 35 minutes into London, cab to holiday inn and un packed! we had a 12noon date with the British museum to see the Babylon exhibition, which has finished now. we didn't really feel it was worth the 8pounds each, four or five rooms, very crowded, they let each group go in in 20 minute intervals, but the groups before hadn't necessarily left, so just got fuller and fuller! bit claustrophobic for me. we had a bit more of a look around the museum before leaving and going for lunch.... we went to a place called spaghetti land on Bloomsbury way and Southampton row, a long restaurant running the length of a building and going out in two directions once inside.

i cant find anything on the internet about it, only one on Sicilian avenue nearby, but its not that one, and i want people to be able to find this one!! mom was unable to finish hers with her appetite at the moment not being too good. and the owner came over to check everything was alright which was really nice...

ok gotta go, there are enough links on here for a chain link fence amigos!


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