Wednesday, April 22, 2009

yesterday afternoon after dinner, Franco Pippa and i went for a walk... we headed off on the beach aiming for the exit that brings you out by the garden center on Calahonda, but we saw a guy coming down through low rough undergrowth, it was a path although not well trod, a path non the less, so up we 3 went, and as we got into the woodland at the top we found we were in what looks almost like a house! or at least a bar! tables, chairs, cooking equipment... it looked like a home! oh heck!

so down we went back onto the beach, with i guess the guy thinking 'what you doing going into my place! how weird! still cheap bills i guess!?!

then we continued on to underpass and up through onto the other side of the N340, coming down past Lidl we saw a road on the other side we thought we might try, that we never had, so back under the N340 and up the slip road momentarily going the wrong way, we came straight off and went down this little road... warning of fire hazards and such... past a big house and we found our selves above that little woodland! we took the first path off that aimed at the beach, it was very very steep and rough and Franco had to carry Pippa at one stage as she didn't want to continue through!

and so back down on the beach! where another man was cleaning out a pan in the sea... walked back on the beach, up into another wooded bit, which when we really looked was a camouflaged area! into what was probably his little place on the beach!

Pippa had a free run on the beach and into the sea and then we were home...


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