Saturday, August 22, 2009

another rather eclectic offering of my photography this afternoon amigos... above one of our infamous black bees... some say they sting! some say... no stripes, no sting! they are huge and look so heavy you cant understand how they stay up in the air, and the way they fly so haphazardly and clumsily, i don't think they know how either!

another wonderful view of one of the many roads *tracks* we now have to use to get in or out of Alhaurin el Grande... three wheels on my wagon and we're rolling along...

when we filled up with gas this morning and then stopped to check the air in the tires... they were all on 30? so either all ok, or the machines was not working?

we stopped in Bauhaus before heading into the most wonderful El Corté Ingles outlet store on the poligino *industrial estate*... and above show a bike positions much like most of the cars in the car park... over two spaces!?! hey what's new!

the bar here in Bauhaus sell the best coffee! really really nice! and pastries too, above in the cabinet the pastries and bocadillo are kept... lower'ist level is mirror then a couple of shelves then the counter above, but with this wonderful picture frame around it! i know i have posted a picture of this before, but every time i see it, i think, what a wonderful idea!

any time of the year the el corté is in sale status! t shirts costing 16Є i wouldn't consider are only 3Є and jeans all 3Є! you could hear the air con on in there but not feel it, it was cooler out in the shopping mall itself, then leaving it to go out side... bam the hits you like a furnace...

we popped into PC World, as we never had, and it was like walking into the one back in England! very weird...

then we did a stop off in Lidl in Churriana on the way home, as we parked there was a crunch! we had driven over a glass pot of jam... left conveniently by an idiot right in the worse place! lets hope it doesn't lead to a second new tire this week!!!

called Mom just now, sounds great, she had a mate visiting who had brought magazines and cakes... best combo for her, and they were having a discussion on where, when i am over, i will be taking them! i better get a road atlas me thinks!

If you don't have enough time to accomplish something, consider the work finished once it's begun.




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