Saturday, August 29, 2009


late for me to be blogging today, nearly 9pm, but been in a bit of a.... i want to use the word malaise, but not sure if that's the right word! just so tired i cant get out of myself, taken a few too many pain killers, but not making any difference, just worry i guess, and i should know better, worry makes my FM worse, and worry does not help anyone else either! maybe a nice cold night where we're wrapped up under the duvet would be nice, not stuck out of it evening snacks for any passing mosquitoes that fancy a nibble...

now to business.... i need to snap out of this, my poor Mom could tell in my voice earlier how i was feeling and she really doesn't need to be worrying about me.... still!!!

SO... unusual for me to put a header to my blogs... but yesterday evening witnessed a horrible thing out in our street... a noisy gang of boys ran past the house, shouting, swearing, making all the dogs in the area barking madly....

i looked out the window to see what all the fuss was about, and this lots of boys, aged about 12 up to about maybe 18 or so were chasing a lad that lives near here, not sure of his age, could be late teens or even as old as 20(!) he is, now not sure how to put this with all this politicly correctness... but he has a disability i guess is best way of saying it for now.... and these horrible bullies were chasing him, he came back down into the street somehow so these kids were up the alley towards the town hall, and from there they threw rocks, bricks and bits of wood! which he is turn picked up and threw back at them! this young man stood there with bricks in one hand and a huge piece of wood in the other visible shaking with anger, and some of the passers by looked scared of him!

of these people that passed by, on their own or in twos, whatever, no one said anything! i couldn't believe it, Franco said i should go out if i was so worried, but what could i have done, that these friends and neighbours of the boys did not? i felt bad watching and worse having done nothing.... as a foreigner, i am sure they would have not only taken no notice of me, but chucked things at me as well! i wonder is this how it is in other countries... do foreigners witness things and are just too darn scared to do anything about it for fear of reprisals? very probably...

friday i went up to town for a mosey about, met up with a friend who was already sat outside a bar and joined him for coffee, we moved around the table to avoid the heat of the sun, then moved tables... then another friend joined us... was a good morning, drinking coffee and mulling over things...

i had begun the day, after our walk, me and Pippa that is, we came home and i went up on the terrace before the sun hit it and read some work a friend of mine has written... i couldn't believe i was up there for an hour... good reading material, some thought envolking stuff of which i agreed with!

his writing made me think of Paulo Coelho a lot, about our experiences being such an important part of our journey through life, and its true all the things we buy, things that cost a lot of money and as soon as we have them, get out of date, or just worthless almost immediately and we sure as heck take with us when we leave this life, but the experiences are things we can take with us, these things remain with us always.... and i plan to help give my Mom as many more experiences as i possible can... she has her bucket list of course... and she is sure going to need to use both hands to hold it!

You will never "find" time for anything. If you want time you must make it.


T*ime* & T*ide*FN


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