Thursday, August 06, 2009

no phone notes today only one written, scribbled madly before i left yesterday morning...

and while i am writing on another 'tab' in the back ground... Amazing Grace is playing... please please open now on another tab and play while reading the remaining.... thank you...

yesterday was a service for a dear friend of mine who died on Friday evening, Cyril, he had had a great day out with his son down on the coast watching the world go by...

i suppose his passing was both un expected, as death always is, but expected also, he had hid how poorly he was but we all somehow knew just the same.

the service was simple with this song being played first, i don't know who sang the version played, and she also sung the 23rd Psalm... the Priest said we didn't have to sing, although i think most of us did a little with our heads still bowed and seated as we were.

Cyril loved the sea and boats and a lot was talked about his is love of these things and the great day he had had on Friday and his family.

He also talked of how when people pass over, to us they are out of sight and gone... but he said its like a boat watched from a shore, we would say, look the boat is disappearing, and now its gone, it is no more! but to others on another shore they say hey look here comes a boat! its a matter of perspective, and those we cannot see are really only just over the horizon after all... it is only from our view that we cannot see them!

what a great way of looking at life, and death also... as other peoples deaths only happens to us the living!

i haven't even touched on the notes yet, not sure weather to or not now? some of it seems a bit 'heavy', the mood i was in i guess, but a part of it i wrote... how i wonder of all the beliefs in the world and all the fighting over them - that when we die we get/go to, what each of us truly always felt deep within our hearts and souls and believed in... but then that made me sad as i have some good friends who really don't have any beliefs and i worry... where will they go?

ah hm... ok! back for a moment more to yesterday, the friend who picked me up... i didn't notice for 20 minutes we were in a right hand drive car! arh! there i was stuck out in the middle of the road, i guess most part of the journey was through the campo down single track roads, but even so!

the crematorium in Fuengirola, well Mijas actually, in up near the horse race track, and right next door to the sewerage works! very pleasant aroma! not! it is a beautiful church there though with a wonderful feel about the place, if you know what i mean!

a flower shop, and of course a bar!

but after the service, the cremation actually takes place in Álora! i had thought it only that Alhaurín here didn't have their own! so it seems that from all the churches everyone is taken to Álora!?! well from around about here anyway... bit like the ITV, (MOT) for your cars eh! Malaga or Estapona!!!!

five of us went afterwards a bit further up into the mountain and to the small urbanisation of cerros del Aguila (hills of eagles), and we had a tapa and a cold drink... and a toast to in peace mi amigo...

should end it there... on the hills of eagles... but some of them wanted to pop into iceland on the way home! which we did, before leaving the coast by way of Mijas pueblo and the awful road works!


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