Friday, May 21, 2010

view above through Cross at El Chorro...
apparently they are starting work on it soon, well in September, the month it should have been finished and soon, we will all be able to walk the walk around the mountains up there again... El Camino Del Rey, the World's Scariest Pathway! oh and Good luck with that amigos!

Wednesday as i write, lots of *action* going on here last evening! something drew my attention outside and we [Pippa &i],watched as people seemed to be running like crazies from here and the complex next door, running down through the open [broken still] gate to the beach and back again, hiding things behind they're backs! a guy from somewhere ran off with a huge grey box! then was back for more!!! well this morning Franco and i went up to El Zoco this morning and there were four guys in the sea, police scuba divers, and lots of police up and down the beach, and lots of grey empty packages everywhere... and later, we took a walk along to Cabopino, must have been over a dozen of these empty boxes, looks like a huge haul of hash came ashore last evening! boxes strewn from here half way to Cabopino! police still out on beach positioned along the coast, looking out for more incoming packages maybe? or bodies??? no boat, and i guess the people who should have been there to receive the drugs missed, or messed up! anyway, the police had been here all day... on our way back just now from another Pippa walk, the police were talking to a group of gypsies who were on the road to our apartments here! not sure if they caught them coming or going! i had another word with a different gardener this morning about the broken gate that leads out onto the street, he thought it was working fine, he has probably been putting in the code and pushing gate without realising he can just push the gate open! and the beach gate, this morning after Franco and i passed out through it we bolted it on the one side, so probably very awkward now to open, but better that then being left broken and just leaning against the hedgerow!

we also went down to La Cala, again, two times in two days! i go for months without a visit! the saddle shop was open today! yeah! bought a tub of saddle cleaner... for our sofa, he said lots of people use it for sofas! so lets hope it works on our green and mould sofa eh!

was a good walk this afternoon, tiring though, i wore trainers! looked silly maybe? but easier to walk in than flip flops for me... we had a drink in the bar near the port, no parasols up yet so may have been ok for the touristas but was hell for me!!! and after a look around the port an ice cream!

yesterday, Tuesday, we went to La Cala, saddle shop not open, as you have gathered already! said opens at 10am, but hadn't and didn't! then Franco and i went back to El Zoco, we had a drink outside the wifi bar, Franco left and i went in, i said to the guy could i please have another tea, in about ten minutes, about an hour later i went to remind him! i guess in my little corner i am out of sight out of mind! still indoors, quieter in here...

this morning we went into the local bank, you know the one! and the man let me take out all my stuff before telling me the system was down! we came back later and it was back up again!!!! and jobs done!

ok live now!! police still down on beach, yesterday afternoon i risked a walk along the path and two police were dodging waves to pick up small packages! and just now drove past me on my way out!

last night two guys were fixing the gate to the beach, not the gardeners, one of the residents, they were wiring it up on both sides! so that's sorted for now isn't it!

yesterday afternoon i went under the N340 to get to a friends house, they used to live in Alhaurín and moved down here about two years ago, sat on her front veranda for a couple of hours, body out of the sun but my legs got scorched... brown this morning? no! why? don't understand why they just don't get brown!

had charged up this little baby of mine but seems there is only hour and half now? so better get cracking...

Franco was going crazy when he got home last night reading through a whole bunch on new road laws coming into force here in Spain, i will either have to look at them, or link to them... may be back in a minute.... hang on... ok i have linked to the Sur in English on line here, its still last weeks copy, but should be updated today... lots of speeding fines, no 10% allowance here as in UK, tail gating fines, good! loads others...

i think my Mom wanted me know she was about the other day... i opened my purse and a half dollar coin landed on my lap! didn't know that was in there... if it was???


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