Friday, July 30, 2010

Some family photos today, seems like everybody is posting them these days, so while I was scanning, well earlier, I thought later I would scan some of mine too!

Above Mom and Dad after a trip to Coney Island....My Dad looks like he is standing to attention!

Which works well with the next shot [get it??] of him during WW2... He was about 19 or so, maybe 20, I have a couple of letters my wonderful Aunt Rita gave me, that he had wrote to her during this time...

And here above, my Dad with his brother, my Uncle Charlie... Well...I wonder if they won the canary at the fair too?

And finally above, my Dad with his Mom, Carmela.... who I am named for, my Dad was so skinny, looks like the uniform is pinned on!

Was my Dads birthday last Saturday, I think I mentioned that already...

He bought me a little gold bracelet with a crab on it, when I was baptised I think, not sure, I have a silver bracelet from same time, I lost the bracelet one Christmas, the boys and I were in Hemel Hempstead, we got home to Gt Gaddesden and it was gone....

So little I had of my Dad and that went missing....

So today anyway, a small group of us met up at Bar Cruz in the centre of town and had a drink for Cyril, well you know, tea and coffee, but that's what we normally have!

Once home I have been following some ants... there is a little trail of them in the back [passage!], they are coming out of the wall down on one side, crossing over the floor to the wall, up that, over the outside window sill, then up the window frame and along and back into the wall!

Yesterday Franco and I bought a couple of ant trap things,I picked the one up that was under the cooker and placed it in they're line of journey, they are supposed to want to go into it, and take something with them back to base and expire all within! But they seem to be doing a pretty good job of avoiding it altogether!

These traps are all right, well I am hoping they're all right, but you cant put them where you want to because of Pippa anyway....



  1. Hi Marian,Lovely old photos of your mum and dad I can see that you take after your dad!Hope you had a good day today,very warm and muggy here,makes you feel like doing nothing so I havent!!!

  2. Chrissie... thank you, yep i'm my Dads girl forsure...

    hot heree... even my eyelids are sweating!

    take care,hugs mxxxx
