Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Picture of my boys.... a while ago I must add, I suppose! Feels like five minutes...

100 in the shade right now, 3:30pm... what heat, says on here its 70% humidity here too, feels like it, this heat is so heavy, no breeze just here either, I have the windows closed the persianas drawn down, feels like its dark outside we're so dark in here, but with the fans going at least there is a coolish breeze every now and again!

The best to be out is very early before sun up when its lovely and cool, just a case of dodging the nocturnal insects!

Yesterday morning I went into the bank to pay the IBI etc, there were the two desks both with customers, 1 person sat down [near the door] waiting, both were chatting to their customers, after 20 minutes I got my turn, it was at the *sit down desk*, so I did, and as usual I was polite, hola, etc, smiles... and what I got back was such disgusting customer service I am going to change the bank, its ridiculous to be served in such a way, no hola back, no smile, not a single word, banging his fingers on the keyboard, moaning out loud, or should I say grunting! I was looking for the sign saying about the complaints book, had I seen it I think I was in such a mood I would have asked for it, although I have heard, that writing in them means nothing and nothing is done about what you say in them at all... that's hearsay though.... This man may have been having a bad day, at only 9:15am? Or a bad hair day??? But he was fine with the man before so I am taking this personally!

If I had ever behaved in such a way to a customer I would have been fired.

Its taken years for this bank, well actually they never did, get the direct debits sorted, I did, and I suppose this will happen again when we leave it to go to another, but I really don't care, they move they're staff about every two years or so, I think a few of the banks here do that, I don't know why? If its a trust thing, that's crazy, if someone is going to rob the bank from inside why would it matter how long someone has been there? Maybe there is a different reason that none of us has come up with.

But its nice to see the same faces in the bank, year after year, and in England that's what we have.

We did have a really nice person working in this bank, always polite, always spoke to me by name.... come back!!!!!

Well that's not really got that off my mind, but at least I have shared it with you! And this morning I had coffee with a friend up the top road, inside, but no air con! Crawled back down home... and, nada mas!

Tomorrow I am relaxing during the day, apart from normal house worky stuff as I am going to the airport in the evening to help a friend.... hold that thought...


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