Wednesday, September 08, 2010

I wasn't going to Blog today, too tired! Went into town this morning, had a té and was home again by 10am.... Was knocked out! I went out last night, but hardly a *big night out* no clubbing! Now that would have exhausted me!

I met up with my mate and her daughter... I may be repeating myself here, but I have checked back and cant see what I am about to say... Two weeks ago Thursday I went to the airport with a friend, she was meeting her daughter off a plane, I had been worried about her going it alone... It would late, and although we had done a recky a couple of months back, now she would have to find the exit from the car rentals desks and no mobile!

We left quite early, well very early [!], stopped over near Malaga bus station, oh the excitement! And then got the bus to the airport, we were having a coffee later in the downstairs, hugely overpriced bar near arrivals, and some neighbours of ours came by! They were collecting their son who had been away for the summer in the States... Yes, I should talk to my neighbours more, we could have had a lift! No matter, it was, of course, a beautiful evening, and we were having fun....

We went back to the car rentals [exit], and waited for friends daughter, we weren't really there very long, guessing what time she would come through, and she looked very pleased to see her Mom, its no nice when you go somewhere on your own to be met with a familiar face on arrivals...

We gave her a hug and off to the car park! Its strange, I felt like I was meeting an old friend? Maybe because I know her Mom so well, and the meeting and greeting thing, who knows, but we get on like a house of fire! .... Which is where I am getting to last night! I met them at the bottom of their road and we had a couple of drinks [té para me], then back to the apartment, important stuff on telly! Then we went out into the little back courtyard and had a good old chat, I even had two glasses of wine!!!! Shock horror I know! I had had my first [small]glass of wine while watching tv, and I thought ummmmm this tastes like Shiraz, and when we got out, I found it was! So my I am cleverer than I realised! And can tell my Shiraz's from my Rioja's! Evidently!

I left about 10pm and got home only 5 minutes after Franco, so not bad timing! Was strange walking up from town in what felt like the middle of the night! Same crazy drivers coming down the street though! A small car was flying down the street with scooters either side and front and rear.... which means the side scooters were on the paths either side! So a few of us pedestrians had to flee into door ways for safety! Oh and I had heels on! Not that high, but my legs had forgotten how to walk in them! I don't think I owned a pair of flat shoes before I moved out here? slippers maybe, pair of trainers and wellies, but generally every single day it was 4" heels! Work, rest and play! I also had jeans on, probably too hot for them!

Monday down town, I came up to where my friends were sitting outside Bar Cruz, and it wasn't how are you? It was where have you been!!!! Still nice to know I have been missed while I have been home alone feeling poorly.... anyways.... Tuesday I also was back to the bar, networking, as per usual, and was going to give today a miss, but was [easily]persuaded to be there or be square, so I was there... Ahmmm, where were the others????

So tomorrow I will rest up, Not sure if I am eating enough yet for daily trips to town, still not actually feeling hungry... Yesterday, as today, so far, a small bit of cereal, and a little lunch, I have made more of my home made lollies, which I will have one of later...

I have been reading my Blog as of last September too, just prior to us going to Paris, but included our London Eye visit, don't know if it helps looking back, but still cannot think forward....

...ok think I am just rambling now, need a cuppa too.... so adío amígos...


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