Monday, October 18, 2010

Ok, vamos a ver [lets see], we're still on Thursdays little jaunt around these parts... above was a photo of a development on the way out of Alozaina... an awful concrete mess of buildings, not a very close up view, I should have zoomed in before unloading it... but there it is, mid shot! Don't know what it is to be, if ever, looks like construction has come to a stand still!

This great view of the archway over the road! Not a drop to drink, ociffer! Franco was driving anyway, and I was hanging my camera out of the car to get a photo!

These, above and below, are the arches on the way in and out of Alozaina!

Below the beautiful avenue of eucalyptus trees that lined the road from Tolox all the way to the spa park...

But its Monday today! Drove into town, don't hear my saying that very often do you? Had a cuppa with friends, then I took the rental back to base and walked back down the hill home!

Did my usual collection of our post from around the local houses and gave the things we were delivered to their owners!

And made a cake! I might know what's going into all these cakes I keep making but it doesn't mean they're good to keep making, and keep eating! So today's crumb cake had crushed walnuts in! To counteract the sugar content! lol

I really want to get cracking on yesterdays trip because I know I will forget bits if I don't make a start... So will begin, and the photos, will be above[?] in the next blog entry, never mind!

So, yesterday we started out and headed into Malaga, and onto the A7 [N340] and headed east, up coast that is... We wanted to stop for a coffee, and even came off the road a couple of times, but got back on without finding the bar, some are in commercial parks, like La Trocha, or Miramar, that sort of thing, so their out of town, but also not right next to the motorway, so if we didn't see it, we left it! which meant we didn't get a coffee until Nerja! We pulled off the A7 and parked, nice bar/petrol station, English couple at the fruit machine the whole time we were in there! About 40 minutes mas o menos! We had coffee and a pastry, it was a chocolate covered croissant... I had to pick off the chocolate! Too sweet! So we got back on the road, but just to the junction and headed inland from Nerja and up and into Frigiliana...

We parked along the road just coming into town, and walked, up hill, its pretty much up hill all the way, until you come down again, to leave! Very very steep town, and we, typically walked up as high as you could, above the town, and into the mountain above! We ended up walking in an orchard of avocados!!!

Pretty little town, lots of bars, tourists shops, a sign said Frigiliana dulce wine 0.75€ so, 75 cents, but a woman nearby said to her friend "oh look local sweet wine, for 75€" Not sure if she thought that was a good buy or not, but I turned to Franco and said, " lets get a few bottles of that dulce"....well for 75c each... of course it would have been cheaper than the super market, but I was being silly, we didn't actually buy any! The woman turned to look, she must have thought us rich.. or stupid[Ummm, dont answer that amigos!]

We had another drink stop here, in a polish bar, there were two in a row, in a new complex, they were quick to serve and bring our drinks, unlike a bar in a small plaza we stopped at, the only thing to move there had been the parasol when it blew over in a strong gust of wind that came by! And after quarter of an hour, a rest for me, we had gotten up and walked off! The barman had come over to raise the parasol by the way, just didn't take any orders!

From Frigiliana we went back down the coast, and back onto the A7, but in the Malaga direction... We came off at the Torrox turn, and went to Torrox costa, we drove all the way up the beach road in the direction of Nerja, turned about and came back, staying on the beach road we went through Torrox costa... Probably more there than we saw, we only saw a few bazaars, the usual suspects of Mercadona, Super Sol and Eroski, all the supermarkets, oh and a bar *Lady bar*, not sure what they did there!!!!

We retraced our steps [wheels] and back to the roundabout we came off the A7 and went up into the mountain.... and into Torrox pueblo, a pretty little town, we parked and went in, few bars were open, and a bazaar!!!! We wandered about a bit and got back in the car...

We continued up and up further up and further inland to the not so small town of Cómpeta... to quote *Long known as the pearl of the Axarquía is the town of Cómpeta*... And beautiful it is... Once again very very steep, not for the faint hearted, or faint of body that is! We had been driving for some time, expecting to see the town around each, and every corner, 700 meters above sea level, and we felt it, and at last, not disappointed there was the town on our right! Wow!

We took a wrong turn... [ahem] but it turned out to be a good, wrong turn, and brought us up into the town from the back and we were able to park the car almost centrally, although we saw a better car park, the one we parked in, but a weekends only, well Sundays only, belonging to a fruit sellers and open!

We climbed, this time by weary feet to a plaza and I took some photos, a few open bars, but they seemed very busy and we wanted a quieter one, so back down to the car and back on the road...

We didn't want to go back the way we had come, so took the final option on entry to the town, and we drove back down to the coast by way of Sayalonga, east of Velez Malaga, a small hillside, cross that, mountain side, of course, village....

We came back down onto the A7 at Algarrobo, and back on the high way.... phew, we were dry of mouth and very tired by now... We wanted a coffee break badly.... At last we saw a sign, even though it said the restaurants were at a commercial centre we came off and entered Rincon de la Victoria... only a few mintues from the A7 was the centre, we parked, and stumbled into the shopping centre, at least it was cool in there, it was a hot day yesterday and both wearing jeans and trainers we were boiling!

We went up stairs and had a kebab meal!!! Ah yes! All those E.numbers, some of which are popping out on my face still as I write this minute! But it tasted so gooooood! [that'll be the flavourings then!!]

Once back on the road... we only had to negotiate a few problems on the Malaga stretch, so near, yet so far... We came off the road at a wrong place, we hadn't got into the right lane in time, and a lovely fella wouldn't let us in, so we drove along side the A7 for a short while and back on after five minutes, which may have turned out to be good luck, as an accident had just happened at the airport turn! Only causing traffic to slow up, to rubber neck, and pass on!

Then we were on the home straight, about 5:30 we got home I think? About that, cant remember already!

Very tired, but a great day... We definitely want to go back to Cómpeta, have a proper look around... And I'm sure visitors would love to see Frigiliana too...

ok, and once again I am tired, again... will upload a few photos onto the page you will have already seen!


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