Friday, October 22, 2010

Some more of the wonderful murals on the church at Cómpeta...

Its another very steep mountain town as you can see, and next time we go, we shall see some more!

This little chap was on the round about as we were coming back towards to the coast... And if you look closely you will see the name of the town at his feet!

Here is an attractive photo... a mill maybe? Cement works? The Med is there immediately oposite on the left.... This is at Rincon de la Victoria [I think I am remembering this correctly...]

We had another flyer saying the gas men were coming today, did I tell you? So spent day in hiding! Well almost, went into town this morning, and kept persianas down all day, great isn't it! Hiding in our own home! If this was England, I wouldn't be worried about con men calling, you turn them away, simple[s]... But here, all official looking, and who to call? Or rather how to call and how to say what you want to tell them, my fault I know, not speaking enough Spanish, but that's it! If a man came saying he was from the gas board in England, you would just say hang on, and call the gas board, just not so easy here...

Heard about a woman today, while we were talking about bogus gas men, she let them into her house, first mistake, then they did some soldering, not sure why, but couldn't have been much, and then they charged her 5,000€, yes that's five thousand euros! She had 1200€ with her and gave them that, they said she couldn't pay the remaining amount into a bank account, it had to be cash.... hello!!!! They said they would be back, they haven't yet....

We're going to contact the gas company, and get them to come out by appointment and do us a new contract if necessary. Then it will be done, and I can relax... maybe....


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