Friday, October 01, 2010

Was it really Monday when I last posted a Blog? Seems like Monday was months ago, already!

Tuesday was a long day for me, not being used to nearly four hours on my feet... and back to Cudeca the cancer hospice shop in town, that's what it was...

Was a good day though, great to be back, whole different bunch of girls in there, who I now know, although their names, maybe not, good thing we have badges with them on!

Some of the customers, who I have always seen about town, seemed pleased to see me back in the fold!

I went home afterwards and collapsed! Well sort of, Mercadona man arrived about 3:30pm, and there was still the usual housey stuff to do, but was so tired and heavy....

... So getting up at 6:30am and off out early with Pip was awful, but I had the doctors at 8am, so had to be done, there were a few people already there when we arrived, and quite a crowd by the time the doors opened, a friend had told me were to go, so Franco and I raced up the stairs to the waiting area outside the door I wanted, I didn't get to wait at all just went straight in which was good.

I told the doctor why I way there, giving her the farmacia results from a week of bp readings, and the note from the emergency from a week ago. She took my bp and said she was giving me meds, I was to come back after 20 days, and the last 7 of which I was to have the daily readings of my bp done again in the farmacia....

No questions, again, that was it, so I don't know what to expect from these meds, I wanted to find out about any thing I could expect, but didn't want to read any bad stuff... catch 22, for instance I have woken up in the early morning with a very bad headache, yesterday I took an Imigran, thinking I was going to have a migraine, stayed in bed an extra couple of hours and got up... I didn't go, or do anything, was absolutely exhausted, but probably due to where Franco and I went after the doctors, [later]. But this morning exactly the same, sever head ache, got up as normal though and walked Pippa, went to town, the head ache coming and going... gone at the moment!

And last night I woke up after only a couple of hours in bed, so a couple of hours after taking the meds, to find my right leg completely dead!!! I know this happens when you wake with an arm up over your head and you have bring it back to life so to speak... but believe you me, my leg was in no way up above my head!!!! May be more of these would be ok here !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It took quarter of an hour to bring my leg back to normal, totally cold and no feeling, then with lots of rubbing I got the pins and needles then feeling started to come back! I suppose if this happens again, I will definitely go back to the farmacia and check with them about it...

Then this morning as the alarm was going off I had another horrible thing that's happened so many times now I cant count it, its not unusual, its when the mind wakes up a few, if that, seconds before the body, and you lay there panicking and trying to move or make a noise, then bam your all awake with you heart pounding and feeling scared...

Reading my families fb news from time to time, I think we all suffer from nightmares! It must be a Bonelli thing! Barry has an enormous amount of them, the other night I was dreaming something, and it was a *thing* trying to kill me, I could feel its pressure on my chest and I managed to wake up before it got me! My heart was banging, and I was just terrified! Took ages to calm back down again...

After the doctors on Wednesday Franco and I went down to Fuengirola, we parked, and ended up walking all the way to El Corté Ingles department store! We stopped for coffee, well té for me, on the way, we think he had just cleaned the machine and left forgotten to clean out the cleaner... most repulsive drink I have ever had in my life! Needless to say we left both drinks, on another day I would have gone in and complained, but was too tired...

We had a couple of drinks in the store, spending hours there, it felt, before walking all the way back to the car... I was very stupid doing all that, I knew at the time, kept saying it was too much, but we had got there, so had to get back... This is why I thought the headache yesterday morning could have been down to two days of being on my feet!

Before I go I must say some very sad news... Some people I know here in town, the wife had been ill in hospital since June, the husband, visiting every single day and worrying about her terribly, of course. The last few times we had stopped in town to talk he had broken down, the poor man. At the weekend he died from a severe heart attack, and his wife, she has also died since, a couple of days later.

Don't count the years, count the memories...


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