Friday, January 28, 2011

Above is me! As seen by good friend and fellow member of the boardroom daily network meeting... Peter Maddocks! Please see link to the right for just some of his brilliant cartoon and art work... We had been talking about Marmite this particular morning, of course!

Friday already, time passes... And as the time passes bringing me round to the worse anniversary of Mom passing I don't know how to copy, looking back at this time last year, is no doubt the worse way of doing so, and throws me back immediately to all the feelings I was having then, and could in no way foresee how I would be feeling a year on... All the prayers that Mom wouldn't suffer for long; and wishing she was young and healthy once more going to all the places she loved most in world... And I see all the typos and spelling mistakes I was making back then, in my haste to write, to empty my feelings and need to share...

30 minute phone call just now... so that's put me back on track!

This morning, bit drizzly then sky brightened, sun came out... friends gathered at the table... cloud came down over the Sierra de Mijas, further and further... then the rain! We were back to full strength today at the Boardroom, or near it! We had moved to the central table, the only one rain and drip free! And we're the only ones not smoking! So was crowded round by the door of all the smokers fed up with being outside, and having to stand up! ha!

I was on the way back up the high street home and bumped into another friend who needed to go to the emergency clinic, she didn't want to go alone, and I was more than happy to go with her, we checked in after a ten minute wait for anyone to come along and take her name! But then was only ten more minutes before friend was called in! Bypassing loads of others already waiting??? Friend also wanted me to go into surgery with her! That was ok, I did stop at having the tetanus injection for her also! Enough is enough! Her cat had bitten her, and an infection was spreading up her arm from the site of the bite!

Then also on the way home I wanted to go into a jewellers and get a bracelet of Mom's fixed for me to wear, but he was shut... the shutters up, lights on, but no one home!

Once home the rain came down! So persianas closed, curtains drawn, and then later the heating panels on up stairs... night comes early in this house on days like this...

Yesterday it was the same, drizzly in the morning, but let off and I came down into town, had a hot chocolate, no Boardroom members at all!!! Then down to the electric shop near the Mercadona roundabout, I was pricing halogen fires on my way down town! The shop near us, 37€, a bazzar 17€ and the electric shop 19€! That was the real deal! Wasn't a 100% sure about buying from a bazzar, and the first price was just too silly! So last shop, and no halogen fires, but he said to wait a moment, and a delivery came in, and my fire and I went out!

Its so nice now to sit here in the lounge and when the heating is on, not see my breath!

Also yesterday I think I have found another couple of relatives, one on Twitter and one on Facebook... feel a bit like a stalker!

And writing out our family tree I found that my Mom's sister Marian Agnes, got her second name from one her Grand mothers sisters... Maybe Agnes was a favorite Aunt of her Dads eh... Mom would never have known where the name Agnes came from...

Ok, going down hill again now... adio amigos..


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