Saturday, July 16, 2011

My Saints day today, well my middle name that is! I should be pushing the boat out tonight down on the coast..


Fecha onomástica de esta santa : Date of this holy name day: 16 de julio July 16

Explicación del nombre CARMEN. CARMEN explanation of the name. ¿ Qúe significa CARMEN ? What does CARMEN? : :
Hebreo. Hebrew. Nombre hebreo que significa "Aquella que cultiva el campo". Hebrew name meaning "those who cultivate the field." Nuestra Señora del Carmen, Patrona de los marineros. Our Lady of Carmen, patron saint of sailors. Variantes: Canita, Carmela, Carmencita, Carmina, Carmiña, Carmela, Carmín, ... Variations: Canita, Carmela, Carmencita, Carmina, Carmina, Carmela, Carmine ...

Esta santa celebra su onomástica el 16 de julio This holy place his name day on July 16

This morning we walked down to the local shops, having a coffee in a nearby bar... hiding under a parasol, I wheeled the trolley down, but not back! Poor Franco not very macho, but I couldn't pull it!!

A man nearly got run over while we were having a coffee, his fault, he just crossed the road without looking, then wondered why the man in the van didn't stop??? But no injuries, so when crossing back, he neither looked left or right, or even bothered to use the crossing that time!

Just eaten tuna pasta bake thingy, not feeling very well, always makes me feel slightly queasy...

Struggling to keep my head above water today, last birthday weekend was bad, this is even worse! At least last year we managed to get away both days, no long lingering nothing days, out from dawn till dusk; but not this year, no wheels, no travel! Lots of time to think instead, never a good thing...

[trying not to put exclamation marks everywhere today] ha, nearly put one there then too, and again....

Ok, short today, going to try to lose myself in this wondrous www of ours, just read that peoples memories are getting worse, because we know everything we need to remember is on/in here... that's true I suppose...


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