Saturday, November 19, 2011

Time is going so quickly, on my Blog that is!  Apologies to all!  Cannot believe its Saturday, a week and a half since my last blog...

I have been busy, honestly!!  Got another book uploaded on, another childrens book called Polar Bear Tales...

Kindletastic I say! and yes, it probably is just me who says this!!

Really really proud of this, the sixth book already, and have another one out in the next week, maybe, talked over the ideas, and given orders to the author, I am the editor in charge now, although not giving any money upfront, which is how I believe Publishers normally do it!!  Checked the reports and the six books are selling well on the Kindle, fantastic.

I have taken my editing steps a little further now too, doing some editing on Wikipedia!!!  Was a bit nervous going in with this its all the http format, but all working out well so far...

The weather has been quite good for the time of the year, a little rain, well heavy when it rains, but little of it I mean!  The house is dry and so is the cave... which is great as its being used as storage at the moment, the boxes are due in the next coming days and the Welsh Dresser on its way out.... shame, I love this piece of furniture, but I didn't bring it out with me, so that's life! Things change...

Anyway, when the dresser is moved I can bring everything in from the cave and put into proper boxes, and then in a few weeks everything will be taken out and away....

Went to the Kasser Rassu in Marbella the other week, did I mention that, I don't think I did because I can't remember linking to the Artist... whose name has completely gone from my memory, or the memory of my computer!!! Ooops!  Well if it comes back to me I'll let you know, either his name or my memory!

Was a friend birthday the other day, from the Boardroom, so took a cake in, and lovely it was too, maybe some would say 9am was a little early to be eating a trifle sponge cheese cake... but, no, it was fantastic!

Had a headache for past few days, and now at the weekend, when I have a medication withdrawal headache, its not getting any better!  And Pippa is staring at me, she wants her dinner!

So adios amigos...
ps photo is up at the lakes from earlier this year...

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