Sunday, May 06, 2012

Don't ask about the photo above, it is what it is, a bumble bee dog photo I could not resist purloin from deep within the www!

Todays weather was so wonderful this morning, walking Pippa around 8am, the breeze was warm, the trees now almost fully green, the deep smell of the May flowers wafting around, I stood in the wood just breathing in the smell of undergrowth and life... I always missed the smell of forests living in Spain, that mulchy plant smell, now instead I do miss the early morning smells of walking into town of cigar smoke, brandy and disinfectant!  Wouldn't want to wear it, as I know I have said before, bottle it maybe? the smell is just so Spanish!

We had a little rain about an hour or so, but its moved on now and back to blue sky and powderpuff clouds, picked some bay from Franco's Mom's garden will pot that out later, from little cuttings a mighty tree might grow!  We had lunch at her home today, also with her grandson and great grand daughter, she is a little angel... so cute!

Yesterday going into town a man was running to the curb, and it looked like he was being chased by a crisp packet!  It caught up with him as he reached the road side, he turned and looked down.... expecting a dog maybe, the movement having caught his eye... he looked so startled!  Then! Just a crisp packet, which beat him across the road no doubt!

I also have a new Blog, yes another one!  There on the right is the link, its all about ART, and I won't be talking much there, just a whisper now and again, as you would in a gallery, if you don't want to be asked to leave!  I will be 'borrowing' pieces of art to hang in my own personal gallery, its things I like, they will be varied, and sometimes a strange eclectic mix, but that's me isn't it!!

Holiday here tomorrow, seems strange now having a holiday not on the actual day of the real holiday!!!  Was on Tuesday last week, May Day, there is a fair down in the town so we will walk to that, camera in hand, so bare with.....


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