Wednesday, December 30, 2015

New life in December

New life in December
Who is that lady on the balcony?

Well, here I am friends, on placement, miles from home, but also feeling slightly at home too!  I am in Wales now, gone from Essex, two trains two taxis, a coffee with a friend, and by way of a friends home for one night only.... and arriving Christmas Eve into a families home for the celebrations... like an orphan on the doorstep, looking for an inn for the night!!  No donkey though.... arrived by car!  Well, it is the 21st century is it not!  Wonderful food, full inclusion into the family, I didn't feel like a stranger at all...

Three nights in the Swansea area and now further inland, about an hour and a half, out in the sticks!
Photo on the left shows how mild it has been here, trees coming into bud in late December, very late, tomorrow is new years eve... another year passes us by... No, I don't feel its passed by,  I have run with it, wind in my hair and jet pack on my back! It has been a truly amazing year, beginning with the birth of our first grand child.... the light of my life, my little peanut! I love her to the moon and back...  Can't wait to see her soon, its been way to long, but got a wonderful amount of time coming up and I really can't wait!!!

Also this year we moved back home, a plan that took some doing, a whole load of life passed on, sold, given, or just plain gone!  A tonne of items I refused to take back again to Spain, that had grown in size once I had acquired the 18 boxes of my mom's things from Tony's garage! I feel freer now, just as long as I don't dwell on some of those things, of course I have photos of them all... which its best I don't pause at for too long while searching through my collection... my melancholy gets bad...

I have left one job.... Did a short term for a maternity cover, then returned to the job I started with at the beginning of the year!  Started year in... Cheltenham and ending it here in Wales!  Wales?? Would you believe it?  Irony!

I have some stories to tell today, by way of a lovely lady...  No names, no towns...

Pink Marshmallows!

And my brother said I'm not afraid of a hefferlump! And then it turned, picked him up by his waist and put my brother on his back! (India).

Walking through the crowds, my father picked up my little dog, with me walking behind, she (the dog), licked a woman's ear as he passed nearby, the lady turned and stared shocked at my father, she must have thought it had been him who had licked her ear!!

(As a nurse) A soldier who had been torpedoed, didn't talk, shell shocked perhaps? Top room of a hotel turned hospital (Wales), his bed facing the cemetery over the road... His name Chatty!!! Sounded so wrong to call someone who couldn't talk Chatty! Turns out his surname was something like Chatsworth! And therefore Chatty! He was buried over the road of that hotel/hospital, and she said she would love to visit, to lay flowers, so say to "hello your not forgotten..."

At a show somewhere she had her little dog with her, a corgi, the young Queen Elizabeth came past, and said to her, what a lovely little dog!! Now, I wonder if the Queen already had a corgi? Or not!

Worcester, trips to the factory and the factory shop, a little old boy, would always keep special pieces for her... (he said the items were seconds, I think he had a soft spot for her)

A friend in a farm in Suffolk, unwell and in bed, there was a banging at the front door... The lady told her to go down, to open the door please... She did, a sheep was banging on the door with her head, and on opening came past, ran up the stairs, got the dogs off the bed and lay down next to lady on the bed... The sheep, Thorp, had been hand reared, brought up with the dogs, and thought it was one! 

Oh Christmas Tree....


ps... oh and that lady on the balcony, at the top of the page... An ornaments shadow on the window sill, of course!

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