Monday, May 09, 2016

Be careful what you wish for...

Wild garlic!  I remember saying "I will miss seeing the wild garlic on the road to Rhossili... Well it may not be Rhossili, but its here... I have been seeing and taking photographs of these white flowers as they came to bloom, not even aware or thinking about the leaves!  And suddenly this morning, standing well back and seeing them on approach I realised that's what they are! Wild garlic!  I grabbed a leaf and breathed in the wildness of the fragrance... beautiful...

A little peachy colored poppy thrown into the bargain here... for no reason, because I don't need one"

I'm going to add some of the garlic today to my dinner, I think just for me... in case... In case of any wild animals which may have passed by lol!!

Just adding to my Blog... Having a conversation with the lady I support, I was reminded of a phone call when I was 17! Yes, a while ago forsure... You see the phone rang here, I answered and a man asked for bon-bon I thought, he repeated it when I said "sorry?" and it turned out he was asking for a solicitors in Builth! And we talked of extraordinary things [the lady I support], and I said to her "every day is an extraordinary day." But how we forget this... Come on amigos, make today EXTRA ordinary somehow! Do it now!  We have no idea of tomorrow, don't let today get away...


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