Wednesday, September 07, 2016

Trouble with Blogging from my Kindle, is its trouble doing so!

Photographs should be the other way around!!

Should have been a busy day here today, two appointments were cancelled, one person got trapped here, and Tesco still made it within time slot! Well done them! Even though they had to negotiate road closures and argue they're point!

We had the Tour of Britain Cycle race through, they were heading for the Royal Welsh Show Ground, where singing could be heard!! Bit strange, hearing the singing from where we were, 'we' being two council guys moving barriers off the road each time a car came through, only legitimate vehicles, the press, sponsors, police etc... the man who was trapped by the road closure and me!

This group below were the only group I saw, after them and a couple of stragglers I returned into the house...

The other thing, odd silly thing... I couldn't sleep last night, no outside strange eerie noises, no loud music from a concert or foam party!! Don't ask! I was tired, did my normal solitaire games until I had trouble keeping my eyelids open...

Put down this Kindle, off with the gafas, and lay down... And... decided how I would share out a million pounds that I had come into, in my mind!!!! Calm down, I said in my mind remember! So between the sharing, the saving, the early retirement and the initial crazy spending spree I managed to wake myself up more and more because I was getting so happy and excited and imagining people's reactions to their unexpected windfall because of ours!

How daft was that!! Of all the things I could have worried about, I made one up!


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