Friday, August 11, 2017

I have another placement coming up, just for eleven days, I'll be flying into Cardiff and flying out of Bristol... this morning booked flights, Pipster in her doggie hotel and the car in the car park!!

I've taken all the remaining food supplements of Francos to a church community office, they can give them to people who will use them, we have wasted enough and thrown away so many... So I glad they will be helping.

We have a festival somewhere in town this last few days, until the 15th the posters say... and rocket fire last night, first elsewhere, then a few from nearby... Pippa ran for the hills AKA the toilet, and all the other dogs started barking and whining!

I went out, unexpectedly the other evening with two friends... was a lovely evening, great company, great food... Talked about lots, all positive speaking, although I did say there was one thing I didn't want to do again... which is actually now linked slightly with the placement I am going on, so I am reminded once again, do not talk about what you do not want!! Only talk about what you do!  Because it was less than twelve hours later that the very thing I didn't want came to me!!

See how positive I am today, I'm reading The Secret... I know its 'just a book' but it helped me before, its either helping me again or its just a coincidence!

I am trying to focus on better memories about Franco now, good things, positive things, our happy times... I didn't think I would, I didn't think I could... I am still asking him "why???" every day, still feeling him with me, by my side each day, as he told me he would be... last night when I remembered the hoover had made the electric trip I thought to myself 'I must remember to tell Franco!'... and today I saw for the first time ever our wedding video/CD, the very first time... and it made me so sad and happy at the same time, I smiled at 'us' I laughed a couple of times and I cried my heart out like I am again now as I type... I am so thankful to the persons who have done this for me... I wish we had seen it together...

So now, time to watch a happy film! I'm still working on friends book... I've printed out my travel docs, and tomorrow must buy a few bits and bobs because then its Sunday and not open! And Monday the skylight is being fitted!!! Yeah! Before and after shots will be here soon! and Tuesday I will be too busy with too many things for friend next door... my feet won't touch the ground!

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