Thursday, December 07, 2017

Super Moon in So.Cali

Sundays super moon... Not so huge from where I was then... Looking out from my families terrace...
Was it magical? Did something happen unexpected? Yes and no I guess...

Was a strange weekend, can the moon influence us at all really? The moon belongs to my star sign, so I claim it! Along with everyone born under the same...

This just looks like a white globe... tiny little blimp on the edge is all....

I am back to my normal now I think!  Went to bed late last night, must have nearly 1am... then awake for a few hours again in the night, I read a while... changed my alarm to another half hour, then as I stayed awake I moved it twice more, eventually it went off at 8:30am, and got up then, walked the Pip after breakfast and then went to town, had a coffee at the bar with friends, then into the shop and had coffee and a sandwich... thank you! Before going to the supermarket for some real food!

Its colder here than normal, I am sure? It seems strange coming back here and feeling colder than where I have been!  But sunny warm Cali was warmer days and nights than Andalucia just now! It was 8 degrees when I got up this morning, and in the campo word was it was lots less and people had a frost on the car to scrape!! That doesn't happen here in town, or at least here!

The cupboard here in the living just made a noise, its done that now a while! Like the wood is groaning, it did it in the night, it is so quiet in this house at night, I think I need to play some kind of back ground stuff for the nights, it makes it hard to sleep in the silence...  more so because the noise in my head is so loud!!

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