Sunday, May 19, 2019

I better blog before I forget stuff!

Last week I started work in a nearby supermarket. Wednesday it was.. had about five hours training, there were only six of us, and the training lady, who was my interviewer.

Was a good day, we broke for a free lunch in the canteen; good food and coffee down in an hour and back to training.

Had another short break later of fifteen minutes. Time went very quickly.

The next wasn't really a free day, had to get to the employment office early, to hand in the contract paperwork... So getting the bus in early I disembarked at the last stop and walked down to the office.. unfortunately I followed my nose! Lol.. which as always led me in the correct direction...

But... I walked into the industrial estate and kept on pathways! Until I was as near as I could get but a rope and tackle distance away! I asked a group of guys if I could get there without going all the way back as my Google maps told me I should! I was shown a way through, behind the units, and up four flights of metal stairs... Over a metal bridge! And ta da! There was the office immediately to my left! Job done!

I went in and was seen immediately!

I then walked all the way back! Omg! One long walk! I walked back into la Línea and arrived in the town centre at 09:40 ... I needed to buy a yellow top for work on Friday, to support mental health awareness Day in the branch.. so I stopped at a bar and had coffee and cake! I deserved it after such a long haul walk!

Which I then had to, unfortunately repeat the next day!

Friday I had to go back to the employment office to collect the paperwork I had taken in the previous day, heard of long tiresome lines in both there and the tax office I was there before it opened at 08:30!

Waited with one of the others from training and two other random people. We went in on time, all of us served at the same time.. lots of counters... Then straight to the tax office, no-one waiting, pulled a ticket and went straight in!

Now the reason I repeated the long haul walk was I had forgotten both my phones!!! So being so early, had to be in work for noon.. I walked back to the apartment.. got there at 09:40! Picked up the phones and turned back around again! Got to work about 11:00 and sat and chatted with some of the other trainees.

Had a good second day.. we had work modules to do and some time on the shop floor before more training.

No free lunch today! But all good.

So that was Friday... And I worked Saturday! I had another module to complete then the next six hours on the shop floor! Was a hard day, I haven't had any checkout training yet, so was mostly put-backs and loading up baskets and returning to the entrance. Put-backs!! People! Do not put things down in random places!! Or decide against your purchases at the tills!!! Por favor!! Porqué???

I left the supermarket last night about 9:35pm I think, getting a bit dark out, no buses after nine so walked through to the frontier, eerie walking over the runway in the dark.. but lots of groups of people going past me, do wasn't alone out there! Lol

Through passport control and back into La Línea!

Off today, need it too! I have muscle and backache and exhausted! Lol

Back in tomorrow for my start training on the checkout!


Errors and omissions blah blah.. typing on my phone!

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