Friday, August 02, 2019

Last days of birthday trip home..

Lunch from the 18th... Because I thought it might make you hungry!

Followed by the packet of French toast you can buy in the states.. thick sweet and so yummy!

Smothered with syrup of course!

Walking to the reservoir crossing with a discarded trainer! Looked a bit random!

They are presently refilling the reservoir could take some time!!

Had a bit of a Stephen King moment.. passed a lady and then passed her again.. which would have been impossible given the size of the reservoir, and time to take walking around it!!

Very odd! She looked at me and acknowledged me with a nod the first time, and then the second did the same!!

Freaked me out!! Lol

The last even we ate out.. felt good, but sad too..

The last morning my brother drove us upstate to my niece's ... We met at Molly Browns.. 

I had one pancake and five rashers of bacon, with syrup and coffee... Coffee's plural!

One pancake was more than sufficient!


Then.. after visiting their home, it was back on the road, heading downstate.. collected my bag and off to LAX.

Good flight home, extremely tiring, ten and half hour flight to Gatwick, four hour stopover, luckily with international onwards travel I didn't need to collect my bag and skipped through directly to the departures again...

Managed not to fall asleep anywhere.. kept eating and drinking plenty of water, took my meds.. and boarded again for Malága and home.

When it came to collecting my bag was a bit confusing as no one had said my bag wouldn't come through the normal channels.. and when I stood almost alone and no more cases coming through.. I spoke to a couple next to me also waiting.. He asked and we went through to the international flight arrivals baggage section.. and lo and behold my case was there! Lol They too had arrived from LAX.

But I wish I'd known...

Thankfully I didn't need to drive home, and by the time we got home I'd been up about 30 hours!? Something like that, I woke up at 5am on Saturday morning and got to bed at about 23:30 Sunday evening.. nine hours time difference and two flights..

I had an amazing time with my family, didn't want it to end, but also so happy to come home...

My family east coast missed me not stopping over.. next time...


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