Sunday, November 17, 2019

For train WiFi!

So here's what i wrote yesterday..

So, in the plane, headed to Bristol from Malaga.  Sun's coming up, dark almost on leaving, beautiful sunrise through the right-hand window near me...

I am off to work, near Evesham, weather report says snow at Bristol airport this morning!! Flooding in Worcestershire.. So let's see what happens!

I am staying at an airport hotel for the night, long day and night, so hope the foods good, I am already hungry, my 4am porridge seems a long time ago, coffee is on its way up the aisle now, I can smell it!

I travel to the placement in the morning, a new one, near to a placement I've been to before, so will be great on familiar ground.

Reading a book, it's fiction, but even in fiction good sense can shine through. 'She has just decided planning is a great idea' and so it is.. Plans need to be afoot me thinks.

Last evening I caught a small amount of the British Children in Need campaign. Brave amazing kids, brave for themselves, brave for others, I always cry.. and help when I can.

One boy, born with cerebral palsy, autism and something more... He said, he'd been bullied, attacked.. awful. He's such a strong young man now, amazing.

He said he knows he's different, something about how we all are..

Most importantly he said he doesn't have to fit in.. We're not supposed to.


It's not 8:30,  and I have my coffee and chocolate! A Twix, already, chocolate so early!  Okay, back to my book, the man next to me is snoring!

Paragraphs from the book.
“I can see that you’re hurting. That your life hasn’t turned out like you thought it would… but guess what? No one’s life does"

Pain was a given, she’d just realized. And sometimes, you just needed to give into it—no matter what form it showed up in.

“I think pretending that you don’t care, that you’re so open, is also a way of remaining closed.”
This paragraph above, not the pretending I don't care, but the rest.. It that me? Recently someone told me that, is it that? I know, we know! I have no trouble talking.. But maybe just talking can't help the scrambled mess in my head.

Okay, today now! On my train.. Will write when I can amigos...


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