Sunday, April 05, 2020

Some photography from my last walk around home before leaving for work..

I walked in the afternoon, and it was already too warm to be walking anywhere at two in the afternoon!!

So above a very dead snake! I'm guessing it lost a fight against a car!

The bridge by the ancient water mill..


There is an old abandoned house near this tree on the way into town.. love eucalyptus trees... Amongst my many other favourites!

And so to now...
My much needed medication! Thankfully a wonderful friend back home has gone to my farmacy there, and posted me some! But whilst I wait for work to forward on to me.. I have run out!! Two days ago I signed in as a temporary patient.. accomplished over their website and a couple of phone calls.. at my family's doctors surgery. They sorted me both my meds and told me a prescription was taken to a local farmacy.. It's about ten minutes from here, I could see a crowd of people gathered together, way too close together! In a long line, and shaking hands.. close as close!!

I was luckily on the other side of the road to them.. the line went around the front of a building to a side door!!

After visiting the farmacy, where I didn't even go in, we talked and I was given my meds through a hatch.. keeping distance and safety measures.

Returning home I crossed over well before the growing line, by the church!! I just couldn't believe it!! There wasn't even a foot between people, never mind six!!

Everybody passing by staring in disbelief at them!! Not sure if it could have been a service? Or food bank.. but people not staying safe!!! ?? What is that all about!!

Oh and no cost for meds!!

Today I visited a local store for food supplies; was handed gloves as I entered, he said for my health and theirs.. He helped me and others.. people kept their distance well, all being very self aware.

As I was going through paying, I noticed it was cash only.. he said don't worry, either pay afterwards, using the cash point outside or pay when I could.. wow! I couldn't believe the compassion.. the thoughtfulness..

I did get cash immediately, and having left my shopping in-store, I returned to pay.

Then he gave me a mask too!
This was a small local store.. not a big chain.

I don't know how we'll all be after this is over, the changes me might make..  maybe even some people will have completely forgotten this all after a year... Or less.. but hopefully we're all learning lessons from this, we need to.


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