Monday, April 27, 2020

Talking to a friend this morning about dreams..

"My dreams are always very vivid very real to me at the time.. I never have lucid dreams Where I can control anything..

But sometimes like last night it was in a house I visit now only in my dreams.. it's weird.. like I have another life there!!"

It's true, I have visited this house in my dreams for more than twenty years in my dreams..

It is more or less the same house, in the same street.

Except there is a massive sun room at the front and a long, very long corridor upstairs.

In last night's dream there was a huge crack in the upstairs wall, and I was showing it to people who were there... The house slightly rocked and the crack opened more..

Some water was coming down from the ceiling above the crack.

*Walls represent keeping people out of your heart. This is usually due to some early childhood conditioning. In regression I have noticed that this wall is usually fully built by the age three. As a child we cannot reason and live through expressing our feelings as we experience them. We are also highly tuned into the feelings of those charged with our care. Being in a position where you feel you are in the way or unloved starts this process off. The first two years are spent in emotional confusion and then the wall building starts.*

Can't seem to find info on cracked walls..

*Crack. To dream of a crack represents a flaw or imperfection in some area of your life. Once stable beliefs or relationships are beginning reveal problems. Cracks may also reflect situations that were perceived to be safe or balanced and are now unable to maintain composure or “keep it together.*

But putting these together..

I suppose is most definitely me.. I know walls in dreams tell me of the walls I build around myself..

But the crack wasn't a good sign..

Actually on reflection most of the dreams in that house usually are me trying to rebuild my walls.. or hiding from people..

I'm glad I remember my dreams, I just have to grab the memory of them quickly when I wake up or they fade away like wisps of mist.. sometimes something triggers them during the day.. and it comes back.


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