Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Walks out are proving either relaxing or frantic!

Yesterday granddaughter and I out, deliveries due, so went out on a rota..

She's on her bike I'm sort of walking fast or jogging..!?!

Met either people who moved for us nicely, we moved nicely for some of course.

But then there were the single male walkers who had been who knows where, going who knows where.. and literally made us get off the pavement onto the road because they just walked straight at us.

Maybe the way I was brought up, but two of us, one a small child.. me.. mm the elder!!!

One bloke really caused me to refrain from shouting out loud at him in his ignorance, if he could have read my mind! And I did comment loudly at his back!

And to rub it in he was munching on a bloody bar of chocolate?!

Not had a bar of chocolate for so long now I've gone through rehab and out the other side!

Wouldn't have been so bad only I was fantasy food shoppers before we came out and the daydreams of chocolate and sweet foods were still high on my mind..

Lol.. yes fantasy food shopping!

I ordered a couple of painting by numbers for when I'm on a placement, one came, all good.

Another came today.. no paint!! Mmm not much good really! Wrote a complaint, offered 50% off, but really! What could I even do with it! So told him that, and that I can't actually get anywhere to post it back to him.

So I'm getting a complete refund.
Of course!

Hope every one is staying safe, and well.
And for goodness sake when we can get out more freely.. still take things easy!

Or we'll be shut in for another two months if there's an upsurge again!


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