Tuesday, October 27, 2020

 Sometimes life has more color..

Just saying..

Today I'm on my way north, Tony and family dropped me of at Watford Junction.

On my first train now and headed for Coventry, a high level/tier/stage!! Area.. And where I saw the man with the crisp packet back in the vending machine incident.. Ugh!! 

I've had a great two weeks, enjoyed every moment with my newest grandbaby, she always is so happy to see me.. Maybe she's just so 'oh Nana! The hair! Your the face!' Whatever, so beautiful to see her beautiful face shining into my eyes..

Passed through Berkhamsted! Wonderful.. but so fast..

Didn't do much, of course, walked most days.. Ate well, thank you very much.. And stayed safe.

Now feeling the stress again, three trains, and then an Airbnb.

So many areas going into stage 3, in Spain areas doing similar things.

I wanted to see Barry and his family, but looks like I can't, not allowed to travel into areas and stay, and work against any travel into restricted areas if I'm not working. Fingers crossed things change, and I'll hope for the best.

Have to complain now, here again.. People wearing splatter guards in this train without a mask! Hello!! Won't work without a mask! Only keeps splatter from getting into eyes and off faces.. Not infection coming from you, or getting to you!

And passing trains, can see people who have pulled their masks down or off..

I'm wearing mine to keep you safe, I would like the same respect.

This won't go away without everyone being vigilant, well, and a vaccine of course.

As soon as I boarded and we were off I started to get a tickle.. I know the masks make breathing difficult, moist air, out and back in.. But please..

Do we want this to be a way of life, or a time we did good, we fought through it together.. And..

And here I have deleted  huge portion of me complaining about someone on the train..

Lols okay Calmed down now, but because I left the train and in less than two minutes I boarded another, off that one already and sat on a sunny station platform in sunny Leamington Spa!

Thankfully only in Coventry for two minutes! Wow! I just got the first one away! Maybe not the correct train? But ticket says any train.. 

Anyway, here now.. Awaiting third and final train of the journey. stomach rumbling like crazy!

Been used to a lovely lunch served up for me..

Just got into the Airbnb before the torrential rain! These photographs are the wrong way around.. but not matter.

I got out between storms to get snacks, and again later to collect a Chinese takeout.

And now, here I am at work, serving up the food for my client..

All good, a return placement for me, and a bit like a coming home feel to this pretty village and part of the world.. and safe..

Like I wrote the other day on fb, saying feeling safe, or in a safe area, is not something the majority of us, would have ever thought we'd say.

Posting now!



Bit tired should I do that E&OE?

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