Thursday, November 26, 2020

Today, slightly melancholy.. it's just the stuff we have to do; I just want a time now where I don't have to have something important that has to be done. I just want to be.. without the stress and worry.

Flights tests documentation

Today, after reminding test centre twice or thrice yesterday, an email came through just after 04:00 this morning telling me I can change my £199.00 test for free! 

And I asked what time on Wednesday, they just replied yes that's fine. And I had to email again to actually get a time.

I have organised through a friend's help to get my info into the Spanish system to change my Brit license back into a Spanish one, and then in a few days to get the appointment made.

Why I changed it back to UK beats me.

And to conclude today's short Blog a short piece of script from The Haunting of Hill House.


Time, I mean.

I thought for so long that time was like a line, that...

That our moments were laid out like dominoes, and that they...

Fell, one into another.

And on it went, just days tipping, one into the next, into the next, in a long line between the beginning...

And the end.

But I was wrong.

It's not like that at all.

Our moments fall around us like rain.

Or.. The snow.

Or confetti.




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