Friday, May 14, 2021


I think, I am sure I have posted this before.. 

'We spend our days waiting for the ideal path to appear in front of us but what we forget is that, paths are made by walking, not by waiting'

... and I thought, not me, I have always forged my own path, sometimes the way has been tough, rocky or totally wrong, but I pushed through.. 

Always taking the path less travelled.. not always easy.. and a lot of sadness..

This whole thing above.. so sorry if I am repeating.. It's half six in the morning, I've been awake for an hour or more... It's not that I'm not tired, because I am, very very tired.

I fell asleep to a Boring bedtime story.. thank you Spotify.. they do work, they really work! 

Tried to make it work again this morning but gave up.. 

Head is full, I wish I could empty it sometimes.. but that wouldn't really actually be a good thing. I just need to quieten it down.

I write a lot, I talk a lot, I think a lot.

I need to be quiet maybe, very very quiet.. 

That would be weird for me? Moreso maybe for others... 

Why do I have to keep this commentary going, and I know categorically it's not just me. I have been reading a couple of good books about how our minds work, about mindfulness, about quietening the mind down.

I wanted to go away and and just quieten down my mind, maybe I should, who knows what's buried away in the dark damp recesses.. Things I've hidden away to keep me safe, protect myself.

Go somewhere off the grid, just a couple of nights.

I need to unburden my mind, if that is even possible. Because I can't carry it all around with me much longer.


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