Monday, May 09, 2022

Listening to this now as I contemplate not having written for a month.. 

Shine on you Crazy Diamond Pink Floyd

And how this makes me feel, sad and bad both.. every day thinking of what I should be writing that is now mostly forgotten or not worth saying..

And back to being 15 and listening to Pink Floyd and how my mom knew to stay away from me if I was.. 

'Those who lose dreaming are lost'.. And for me who maybe spends too mich time 'day' dreaming.. I feel more lost for doing so.. 

'I feel like I am diagonally parked in a parallel universe' This made me smile when I read this.. so me, so so many of us.. all parked upside which way and back to front..

A month away from Blogging, where and what have I been up to.. 

 A visit to Las Casillas with dearest friends..

A walk to the top of Cabopino.. looking down at the Med.. upper photograph looking towards Marbella.. I felt lost at one point and had to check my phone .. it's nice walking up there, away from the crowds.. although, not many crowds here yet, can't say our tourists have returned just yet!

May 7 2009 the above photograph, came through as a memory a couple of days ago.. Impossible amount of changes since then.. Pippa was looking out of my sister-in-law's doors.. 

In our direct family since, two husbands, two mom's.. and Pippa herself.

At new year I spoke with a close friend, she saved me back in Wales the week I arrived.. I went out for a bag of sugar and came home with a new friend.. we stayed in constant company for the three years we were there.. several times a week in visits.. when we left it turned to messages and I saw her three years ago when I was working in Neath..

She told me at new year that she had cancer.. same as Francos.. 

And last week she passed and my heart broke a little more..

A lady I supported a few years ago told me 'never grow old, you will see all your friends pass.'

I didn't understand, now I do


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