Saturday, August 27, 2022

As I leave the house this morning walking down to town, the day before my trip... there is a different smell in the air feels just that tiny little bit cooler, but yesterday was 28 degrees down outside work and then I got home it was still 32 degrees 7 in the afternoon.

Walking down now as clouds in front of me over Malaga and a red glow in the sky thankfully it's just the sunrise, or rather the reflection of the sun rise.. because I last time I saw a red glow over there it was the fire.

Work has been really busy so many tourists which is good to see... I've absolutely exhausted.

Still waiting for the MRI in September.. although at least I know know no from the CT scan it's nothing to worry about.. and then come October the appointment with the urologist which will be one year from my original enquiry.

I had a course of antibiotics from my doctor, then a week later a second two day extra strong antibiotic.. the later ruined my bodys health..

And now this afternoon I can feel the infection back.. no time to go to urgencia, no time to go to coast to buy antibiotics.. 

I feel sick and pain is bad.. tramadol is my only answer and it will help me sleep early.. but nothing else now can I do.

Although I haven't been blogging although I do think constantly of what I would write.. I should speak into my notes as I am now, would be a much better thing to do I could just talk into my phone copy and paste..

At least I would forget what I plan on saying all the time.

Did I put these on last post? 
I wonder how many photographs of the corner of the ayuntamiento I have taken over the last seventeen years .. 

And now, eat, sleep, wake, fly..


Ps I think mine is a little tired.. it needs a reboot! A waking up, an injection of something, my old something, what was it Austin Powers had? Oh yes his Mojo! 

Apologies for errors and mis-grammar too tired to check for stuff...

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