Saturday, December 31, 2022

December 31st 2022

Walking into town this morning.. 6° and still dark.. I was freezing walking..

This morning's view from Bar Cruz.. the temperature didn't change in the hour I was there, which lead to my morning coffee being stronger than normal and accompanied by Pacheran.. for purely warming properties..

It did the trick! Warming from the inside out!

This afternoon I had a walk around the block... Well, several blocks.. and as I came past this telegraph pole I thought I'd take a photograph again... 

Hilarious.. it's not even on the ground.. just tied to a low level piece of concrete! With two metal ties of course! 

And this little chap came home with me from town earlier.. Because? Just because.. 

My last Blog of 2022.. always moving forward.. even if I take one or two, or several steps back.. forward is the only direction it's guaranteed we are going.

There is no pause, or reruns, or back to the beginnings.. we have one direction and this we must go, whether we like it or not.. 

We can choose only so much in the directions we take.. 

And we don't have any idea if the direction is right or wrong.. 

Bit like a conveyor belt.. we get dropped on it at birth.. there are on and offs, lefts and rights, (wrongs and rights), but it keeps going, none of us knowing the drop off zone which is ours.. just keeps rolling and roll with it we must.

I strangely feel quite positive as this year ends.. 
I haven't visited urgencia for four weeks! That's a bonus, having done so at least 12 times this year, plus other doctors/hospitals.. 

So maybe the kidney stones or Bosniak cysts have calmed down? Or the permanent infection I have, is just settled in now and this body is used to it... 

I am ending only with, other stuff I found out about and tennis elbow! I laugh loudly to myself! Really! Tennis elbow? Me?? 

Happy New Year my friends who travel this road with me...  Feliz año nuevo... Good health, prosperity and happiness for us all... Onwards always.


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