Thursday, November 16, 2023

Planter on my terrace yesterday.. the daisy plant was pretty much dead but I planted her next to the rosemary and she seems to be taking it over now..

Absolutely wonderful hallucinogenic dreams last night I hope my phone has chosen a correct word, I'm talking into it ..  I mean dream where my mind isn't quite my own because of this virus not because I've taken something!

I asked Google are spiders a good or a bad omen there were several answers and of course we all know about the money spider I don't think I'd realize that it's supposed to be all spiders...

One said.. 

Did you know that all spiders are believed to be omens of good luck, well apart from tarantulas and black widows. Seeing a spider in your home could mean that good fortune is heading your way, and in particular money!

Some of the other options were dependent on the situation of the dream.. My spiders were in tiny little key cubbies which were in a car so none of that makes any sense at all, I was rummaging around in the little dark boxes looking for something and the spiders were all over my hands and running down my legs onto the ground small ones and large ones!

And I wasn't freaked out at all but then I don't mind spiders...

I guess after playing with a family of black widow spiders with my little mate back in California when I was a toddler didn't worry me then... Why afterwards ..

Actually there's a bit more hallucinating going on watching the TV yesterday I thought I saw something which made no sense cat or a dog under the TV and again just now while I'm reading into my phone I thought I saw something move in the corner of the bedroom must just be me.

I've just had 12 and 1/2 hours sleep some of which I was awake but due to my weird thoughts at the moment I went back to sleep just using those weird thoughts Google can't type in my laughter.. 

Time to get up and take some tablets and open up the house and get some more fresh air and see how I feel today.

I should just blog out loud no I should just read onto my blog more often and I would get back to blogging more often I'm making no sense I better post this now.


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