Monday, January 01, 2024

I should Blog today shouldn't I, begin the year correctly.. January 1st 2024... I do like the year 2024 it equals 8! So a lucky year ahead for us all, how wonderful if that could be so.

Went into town today, not too cold either, had coffee with a friend and came home; house is swept, mopped and dusted! Washing done and dried, ready for work tomorrow... Just the bare tree left now.. looking like a pot plant!

Cousin from Watford called me, we were on the phone a while, hadn't spoken for a few years so was good catch up.. my moms cousins daughter.. 

My day has ended with hot chocolate with a sprinkle of cinnamon and ginger! Very nice! 

I had some boxes in the house which are now in the car ready for the bins tomorrow, I had to check there were no rats inside! Or had been inside! Before putting in the back! Could imagine a rat running around in the car while I'm driving! 

Well, not much content here! 

Must have some interesting stories! 

There were fires overnight around Mijas areas, fireworks, of course, we've had little or no rain, everything is still fairly tinder dry, so still the fires catch! 

Fireworks have been going off for about five days and last night started early evening, so I am guessing some confusion as to when midnight is, or even what date is the beginning of the new year! 

No sarcasm here, I am deadly serious!

Saturday I went into town after coffee with a mate up this end, had more coffee with my friend who I published so many books for years ago, now... 

I then went down to another friend, and went to the coast for stock for him and a few bits for me; the store, used to be a public supermarket/furniture store, it's where my dining table and bench came from, over twenty years ago! 

Then we went to a store up the top of Miraflores, I hadn't been in there for about ten, twelve years! Was like passing over old memories.. 

I have, had, been watching Columbo, and an episode ended just now, Series 7, episode 4.. and it ended! 

Need to post! Or miss my mission!

This year will be amazing! Everything will be!


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