Sunday, February 04, 2024

Don't live the same year 75 times and call it a life.

~Robin Sharma

We do so often just press repeat, a lot we have little or no choice over.. Jobs, living situations, so many parts of our lives are impossible to change at will.. or ever.

Jobs can't be picked up and dropped when we've had enough, and homes can't he changed with a click of our fingers.

But we do still have chances though each and every day to make a small change, or enjoy a part of more, or see it differently and maybe things aren't so bad as we thought...

How we view things is up to us, we can make the change.

Open our eyes and really see, we miss some beautiful things; I remember so many times seeing things I'd passed all my life in Berkhamsted, suddenly seeing something, like there! look at that! an ancient door, been there for over a hundred years! A gargoyle peering from atop an old house, a beautiful old tree.. So many things..

I think, I hope, I've had my eyes open here for the past 22 years.. and from visiting back to '88... 

I hope my eyes have been wide, wide open!

Every moment can be the perfect moment we wish for, because every moment is the only moment we have.

We all know this, how short life can be, how fragile, this is it folks, this is the only moment you and I have, right now! 

If only we could remember that!

Don't live the same year 75 times and call it a life.

~Robin Sharma


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