Friday, September 20, 2024

Notice the sign outside the bar next to the store..

So funny, and funnier because I didn't notice it for days! 

So many photographs I've taken waiting outside J's on the way to work... 

No more now, after today... If I take one at all when I get there!

Monday we had company medicals, and J. and I drove down to Fuengirola, parked up, and walked along...

I wanted to have coffee in Luis's Bar .. not seen him in a year or three, and unsure if even still is..

It is! After we finished I was inside the bar and he appeared, off his scooter and at the bar for something random, he said he's rarely there in a morning, and not that often rest of the week it seems!

So was so good to be able to see him and tell him goodbye, since 1988, seen him grow from boy to man... 

Coincidence seeing him... Life is like that..

Yesterday I came down to Fuengirola again, have stayed over with my sister-in-law, we have talked and eaten, and eaten and talked!

Now I am off to work along the coast road this time.

And Wednesday was my very last journey down through the mountain for work.

I didn't realize until coming around and seeing the sea, then it hit me like a brick wall and made my eyes leak...

Last time.

Lots of last times, but there will be more times, just not living here...


ps more to right but must post 

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