Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Merry Christmas 2024!

It's been lovely here at son's for Christmas.. we're watching Die Hard 2, well, it is Christmas, lots of famous people in it, one I couldn't remember where I knew him from, Googled him .. he died three days ago!! 

Been dreaming of work and my house, last three nights... Was okay the first night, second sort of okay, but last night too .. woke up this morning feeling low ...

Missing everything, and it's Christmas, never a great time for me..

Should be a positive vibe post, but it's not in me this evening.

Tired and meh.. 

Hang on though, had a lovely day yesterday, went with the babe to see Father Christmas in town, was so wonderful.. first a story with all the children sat watching and listening as two of Santa's elves read and acted out a story .. 

Then the children moved to a work table and decorated their very own Christmas tree dinosaur ornament! Then each went to see and talk with Santa in turn, have a chat and given a gift.

They all received the book that Santas elves had read.

We had a bite to eat in the bakery and then a bus ride home..

And tomorrow will be wonderful.. 

I'll stay up later to listen out for Santa's sleigh bells and expect whatever I always expect!


Sometimes the biggest accomplishment in life is to find yourself.

Luisa Fernanda Cicero - Television Presenter

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